Do I Need a Doctor or Midwife AND a Doula for My Birth?
So, you’ve hired a midwife for your home or hospital birth. But do you still need a doula? Or maybe you’re going with your trusted OBGYN. It’s important to understand that a doula and a midwife are not the same.
What's the Difference?
Midwives are medical professionals responsible for your and your baby’s health. They handle clinical tasks such as cervical checks, blood pressure monitoring, and fetal heart monitoring.
Doulas are birth professionals with extensive training and knowledge to support and guide you through the pregnancy and birthing process. They focus on emotional and physical support rather than medical management.
Why Have Both?
Research shows that having a doula can offer numerous benefits, including:
25% shorter labor
60% reduction in epidural requests
40% reduction in forceps delivery
50% reduction in cesarean rates
Reduced incidence of postpartum mood and anxiety disorders (Source: Mothering the Mother by Marshall H. Klaus, M.D., John H. Kennel, M.D., and Phyllis H. Klaus, M.Ed., C.S.W.)
Doulas support all types of births, whether medicated or unmedicated, and are invaluable for both high-risk and low-risk pregnancies. Our role is to provide emotional reassurance, experience, and practical knowledge to keep labor progressing smoothly.

How a Doula Enhances Your Experience
While I’m not mom, dad, or grandma, my role is to ensure you’re heard and supported. If things don’t go as planned, I’ll step back and make sure you have all the information you need to make informed choices.
Whether your birth story involves unexpected changes or smooth sailing, my goal is to help you look back with positive memories. I’m here to support your choices, not to replace medical professionals or go against their advice.
Ultimately, having a doula means you’ll have someone dedicated to your comfort and support throughout the process, while your midwife or doctor handles the medical side. We work together as part of your team to ensure you have a fulfilling and empowered birthing experience.
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